
This weblog site contains news and announcements that are pertinent to the subject of “Philippine music,” particularly of genres, performances, and events that would not be visible otherwise.

5 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi! I am a Filipino studying at the University of Alberta. I am currently doing my doctorate in Music and I happen to find your website.

    I am actually taking an ethnomusicology seminar and I would like to present your website in one of our discussions.

    Can you tell me more about this website and who is behind this? I notice that the articles posted here always involve UP. I understand that UP is big in musicology. By any chance, are you a UP alumnus? Thanks!

  2. Filipino Concert pianist Johnoscar has emerged from the studio with his new release, Christmas: a unique and biographical album that weaves traditional and non-traditional Christmas music together and takes the listener on a holiday journey. The result is unlike any Christmas album you have ever heard before!

    Album video teaser:

    The video from the recording session of the opening track:

    For more info

    Like “Johnoscar” on Facebook

  3. Do you know where one could learn to play some traditional Filipino instruments during a stay in Manila? My family and I will be there in December.

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